Boonah Archives
The Boonah and District Cultural Foundation Inc. maintains the Boonah Archives.
The Boonah Archives holds a collection of resources from the old Boonah Shire Region dating from 1880 including: Cemetery Records, Photos, Maps, Family history, Rates Books, Electorial Rolls, Early Businesses and community organisations
You are welcome to visit and see what we have that may be of assistance on your historical journey. If you have any local history including old photos – we would love to copy these for you so we can add them to our collection. ph 5463 2596
Opening hours: 2.00pm - 4.30pm on Friday afternoons (except public holidays)
Location: The Boonah Archives are at the back of the Boonah library.
The Boonah Archives are run by Boonah Cultural Foundation Inc. volunteers who can assist with local history research.
Or email boonaharchives@gmail.com

The Fassifern Story
A reprint of The Fassifern Story ’by C.K. Pfeffer is available for purchase from the archives.
This book, originally published in 1991, immediately recognised the Ugarapul First Nations people who lived on this beautiful land before the explorers moved up from colonial New South Wales.
The book reveals the early pastoralists, the industries that developed and the Boonah Shire Council. It also describes the weddings, education, churches and other recreations.
There are over 100 historical photos, maps and illustrations.